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Getting More Done by Increasing your productivity

Becoming a productive powerhouse

Many people feel that they don’t have enough time to accomplish everything they want to in life.

They often blame their lack of time for their increased stress, bad relationships, poor finances, and lack of exercise.

However, with the proper time management skills, you can accomplish everything you set out to do.

For you to make the most of your available time, a tip would be that you have to prepare a to-do list or task plan.

Proper time management requires that you develop a list of activities or tasks that you have to accomplish during the day.

It is essential that you also include specific timeframes in your to-do list, as well as the level of urgency for each task. 

Doing the sticky note method is scary because; what is you lost the most important task to do you wrote on a sticky note?

Your task plan, or to-do list, can provide you with a better sense of direction when it comes to getting your work accomplished without any heart attacks of losing such a big book or sheet of papers.

It can help you identify how your day should look so that you can work accordingly and achieve more in less time.

A man with a lot of sticky notes in his face

How Ineffective Time Management Can Hurt Your Business

If you don’t effectively manage your time, it will become more difficult for you to finish your work on time, which can cause you to be seen as inefficient and unreliable.

Your clients, customers, and colleagues will end up having far less faith in your abilities to run a successful business. And we DEFINITELY do not want that image.

Missing deadlines and tardiness will significantly hurt your reputation, which can, in turn, start to affect your personal life and wellbeing.

As an entrepreneur, if you want to be successful and get more done in less time, then you have to master your time and figure out how to improve your time management skills.

A person working on his laptop.

Time management isn’t about your ability to make important choices regarding the sequence of events that need to be completed that would, in turn, determine the level of productivity you can achieve.

With time management, you can take control of the tasks and activities that you work on every day.

Truly productive individuals have mastered their time management skills and always work on the most critical tasks first.

This results in being more productive, allowing them to get more done in less time.

Knowing Parkinson's Law and How to Take Advantage of It.

It is a proven fact explained in a statement written by Cyril Northcote Parkinson in a 1955 experiment, that when people are given extra time to complete a task, they will usually take advantage of that time, even when it isn’t needed.

If you give yourself a week to complete a two-hour task, then, psychologically speaking, the task will ultimately increase in complexity and become much more daunting in order to fill that week.

It might not even fill the extra time with more work, but rather more stress and tension about having to complete it.

By assigning the right amount of time to your tasks, you can gain back more time, and those tasks will decrease in complexity and return to its natural state.

Competing with the clock.

Take the time to make a list of all your tasks and then divide them up by the amount of time it takes for you to complete them.

Then give yourself half that time to complete each task.

Giving yourself half the time to complete tasks forces you to make the time limit crucial.

You want to make sure that you treat these reduced time limits like any other deadline, and see those deadlines as unbreakable.

You can use your intrinsic human longing for competition so that it works for you.

Running against the clock forces you to try and win against the clock and strive to beat it as if it were your opponent, without taking shortcuts or producing low-quality work.

This can be particularly helpful if you have trouble taking your own deadlines seriously.

Crush the Productivity Cockroaches

Look over your schedule and note the activities that take up ten to twenty minutes of your time each day, such as social media and email.

These tiny time wasters are what productivity experts refer to as “cockroaches.”

You won’t get closer to achieving your objectives by engaging in these activities.

Give yourself five minutes in the morning to read through your email rather than a leisurely 20 to 30 minutes.

This applies to all of the time-filler activities you mentioned.

Once you’ve finished your daily to-do list, don’t give these tasks any more attention.

When you’ve finished all the tasks at hand, you can engage in some social networking, email reading, or paid reading.

A Routine Can Help You Manage Your Time Better

A note pad with notes written on it.

Establishing a habit and sticking to it is the first step in improving your time management.

It is impossible to overstate the importance of routines since they help you establish a pattern for how you use your time, which improves your time management abilities.

 You must take the time to plan if you want to establish a habit.

Making a list of all the things you do each day as part of your experience as a whole while seated with a notepad is the simplest approach to accomplish this.

Going to work or eating dinner are examples of static events.

Other events will depend on what you do on a given day and be variable.

It is very important that you are aware of those activities that you often do.

Too many people simply wake up and stumble into their day expecting that it will unfold and give them good tidings.

However, the day doesn’t just bring anything to us; you have a responsibility in ensuring that you make the most of your day.

To access a better handle of your time throughout the day and accomplish more, you need to create a routine.

Anything is possible.

Everyone wants to spend their time lying around on the beach soaking in the sun and taking in the fresh air, but you will never accomplish anything living this way.

For you to make progress toward achieving your goals, you have to attain a certain level of discipline that makes it impossible for you not to compromise on anything.

Getting your routine established today will help you become a more disciplined person who is proud of their accomplishments.

A woman writing down on papers in an office.

Routines can be strict about instilling in your daily life, but once you get used to them, they will become a significant part of your life and help you build a successful business.

Be determined to grow from where you are with the process of routine as you work toward better time management skills.

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